Thursday, December 8, 2011

Success Criterias for Smart Searching

  1. To learn how to search effectively
    – Try to stay on topic whilst researching so you don't waste time going in circles as there are some points that will be similar to each other, etc.

  2. To get less distracted
    – When researching, we tend to get bored after awhile and roam off to some social networking site and lose the track of time. Try to spend less time on these sites.

  3. Compare the information.
    – Some information from certain websites might be written based on a personal perspectives, when researching this might even be a blog, or a personal webpage. By comparing the information, you get to check it's reliability.

  4. Note the source of information.
    – A few websites might be biased at they might be government websites used for propaganda or again, just personal views.

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